IMF Lab Collage

The Integrated Marine Fisheries (IMF) Lab is part of the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station based at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. We also belong to the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences and College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University. Our lab is supported by and works in close collaboration with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Marine Resources Program.

The main objective of the IMF Lab is to conduct scientific research that informs marine resource management. Much of our work focuses on better understanding population and community dynamics of groundfishes in the North Pacific. To do so, we rely on field sampling, lab-based research, and statistical modeling techniques. We also place considerable value on collaborating with academic and agency scientists, resource managers, and fishery stakeholders because of its benefit to both process and product. Some common research themes include: evaluating effects of spatial and temporal scales on ecological inferences, enhancing scientific lessons through cross-regional comparisons, and using multiple metrics to improve our understanding about processes of interest.

Madison Bargas processing gut contents OPPORTUNITIES TO WORK WITH US
Interested parties should review the descriptions linked below and submit the required materials if the project seems like a good fit.

     — Beginning Researcher Support Program (CAS undergraduates @ OSU)
     — URSA Engage (first & second year OSU students)
     — Branch Experiment Station Internship (OSU undergraduates)
     — Hatfield Marine Science Center REU Progam (non-OSU undergraduates)

If you are interested in securing external funding (e.g., NSF GRFP) to develop a graduate or postdoctoral research project that is specifically designed to answer management-relevant questions, please reach out! Potential topics of interest to the IMF Lab include (but are not limited to) spatial ecology, food web dynamics, impacts of climate change on marine taxa, and improving commonly-used statistical tools.

The IMF Lab intentionally seeks out and supports diverse identities, backgrounds, and perspectives — doing so improves the quality of our work and enriches our daily lives. Thus, we strongly encourage those who identify with underrepresented and/or historically marginalized groups to apply. Click here for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement and here for a Code of Conduct that Cheryl Barnes (principal investigator for the IMF Lab) helped create through different collaborative processes. We emphasize the ideas, values, and strategies identified therein in all aspects of our work. You can also check out this guide for more information about what it's like to work in the IMF Lab.

Individual donations help us:
      1) collect and analyze data to answer applied research questions,
      2) inform stock assessments and ecosystem-based fisheries management,
      3) support community-based participatory research (e.g., meeting-related travel),
      4) promote the education and professional development of undergraduate and graduate students, and/or
      5) provide scientific guidance on issues that affect marine fisheries along the US West Coast.

Click here ↴ to donate online:

Please add the following "Note about my donation":
“This online payment to the Ag Research Foundation in the amount of $ _____ is to support research conducted by Cheryl Barnes and the IMF Lab.”

Mailing a check instead?
Payee: "Agricultural Research Foundation"
Memo: "IMF Lab"

Include the following note (e.g., on a letterhead, scratch paper, or sticky note):
"This check is made payable to the Ag Research Foundation in the amount of $ _____ to support research conducted by Cheryl Barnes and the IMF Lab.”

Mailing Address:
Agricultural Research Foundation
1600 SW Western Blvd, Suite 320
Corvallis, OR 97333

Contact us for banking information!
Note: Your donation to the IMF Lab is tax deductible. Thank you for your investing in research to help find evidence-based solutions to issues facing coastal communities in Oregon and around the globe.

If you would like assistance with the donation process, please email Cheryl Barnes or call (541) 867-0116.